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"The first time was on the sailboat"

Björn from Bravo issue 21 year 1995

Personal data

  • DATE OF BIRTH: 22 Aug 1977
  • HEIGHT: 1.82 m
  • WEIGHT: 85 kg 
  • ZODIAC: Leo
  • HOBBIES: Competition dancing (Latin American), sandboarding, Gotcha, fitness
  • OCCUPATION: Trainee as a toolmaker


For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Love & Sex Report 1995
Male 6. Daniel7. Thomas8. Martin9. Martin10. Alex11. Mattias12. Erwin13. Martin14. Roman15. Dominique16. Frederic17. Andreas18. Moritz and Nicola19. Manuel20. Mark21. Björn22. Frank23. Imeri24. Elvir25. Oliver26. Andi27. Marcel28. Thomas29. Stefan30. Patrick31. Daniel32. Daniel33. Michi34. Peter35. Jan36. Milan37. Andreas38. Andreas39. Markus40. Tim41. Martin42. Miguel43. Ugur44. David45. Philipp46. Franco47. Christian48. Ruslan49. Michael50. Peter51. Holger52. Patrick
Female 6. Olivia7. Salena8. Lena9. Steffi10. Yvonne11. Miriam12. Monika13. Isabell14. Iris15. Justine16. Sabrina17. Simone18. Nicole19. Nicole20. Saskia21. Julia22. Diana23. Jana24. Jana25. Natalie26. Yvonne27. Astrid28. Janina29. Andrea30. Ivonne31. Anja32. Corinna33. Isabell34. Elisabeth35. Martina36. Eva37. Susanne38. Angelika39. L'Etaile40. Claudia41. Ramona42. Maike43. Anne44. Sina45. Jessica46. Melanie47. Sabrina48. Nadine49. Sarah50. Kerstin51. Janice52. Anja
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