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"I'm afraid of losing my dream woman!"

Christian from Bravo issue 20 year 2005
It's not easy for Christian to smile at the moment. He and his girlfriend are in a relationship crisis. Christian really hopes that everything will be okay again

Personal data

Christian says he's a "stubborn person." But he wants to change - to win his girlfriend back!

  • HEIGHT: 1.72 m
  • WEIGHT: 58 kg 
  • JOB/SCHOOL: Preparatory high school
  • FAVORITE SUBJECT: Sports, German and English
  • HOBBIES: Indoor and outdoor climbing, hip hop
  • ZODIAC: Cancer
  • LIKES: Honesty, surprises, beautiful people and things
  • HATES: Falsehood, lies, tricksters

For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Bodycheck That's Me 2005
Female 1. Tanja2. Jelena3. Yvonne4. Marina5. Anne6. Nadin7. Karoline8. Natalja9. Judith10. Tina11. Tanja12. Julia13. Chrissi14. Sophia15. Melanie16. Mia17. Babs18. Vanessa19. Coco20. Julia21. Lara22. Kathrin23. Stefanie24. Linda25. Sandra26. Kristin27. Vanessa28. Eva29. Daniela30. Katrin31. Lena32. Sylvia33. Ulrike34. Natascha35. Jacqueline36. Janine37. Ida38. Julia39. Maria40. Christiane41. Kesia42. Saskia43. Kitty 44. Marina45. Sandra46. Christine47. Svetlana48. Conny49. Andrea50. Monika51. Kim52. Maria
Male 1. Tolga2. Alexander3. Denis4. Robert5. Christoph6. Florian7. David • 8. Mario9. Albert10. Dominik11. Christoph 12. Norman13. Sergej14. Daniel15. Kai16. Benni17. Danny18. Sebastian19. Jakob20. Christian21. Andy • 22. Deniz23. Robert24. Raphael25. Marcus26. Dominic27. Matthias28. Deemar29. Albrecht30. Florian31. David32. Henryk33. Florian34. Rico35. Alexander36. Florian37. Andreas38. Alexander39. Naim40. Eric41. David42. Benjamin43. Daniel44. Diego 45. Elias46. Altin47. Jesse48. Christian49. Michael50. Nikola51. Sebastian52. Oliver
Some data or scanned image of the model in this site may be incorrect, missing, poor quality, or incomplete.
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