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"Cheating was a mistake"

Saskia from Bravo issue 42 year 2005

Saskia was a "late developer", but always self-confident. She always took it easy that the other girls in her class had pubic hair and breasts before she did...

Personal data

Saskia has known her boyfriend for half a year. And can't imagine a better one...

  • HEIGHT: 1.72 m
  • WEIGHT: 52 kg 
  • TRAINING: Decorator
  • FAVORITE SUBJECT: Drawing, design
  • HOBBIES: Inline skating, swimming, volleyball, travelling, dancing
  • ZODIAC: Taurus
  • LIKES: Black Forest cake, chocolates, Robbie Williams
  • HATES: Liquorice, liver, lying unfaithful boys and boys who act like machos

For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Bodycheck That's Me 2005
Female 1. Tanja2. Jelena3. Yvonne4. Marina5. Anne6. Nadin7. Karoline8. Natalja9. Judith10. Tina11. Tanja12. Julia13. Chrissi14. Sophia15. Melanie16. Mia17. Babs18. Vanessa19. Coco20. Julia21. Lara22. Kathrin23. Stefanie24. Linda25. Sandra26. Kristin27. Vanessa28. Eva29. Daniela30. Katrin31. Lena32. Sylvia33. Ulrike34. Natascha35. Jacqueline36. Janine37. Ida38. Julia39. Maria40. Christiane41. Kesia42. Saskia43. Kitty 44. Marina45. Sandra46. Christine47. Svetlana48. Conny49. Andrea50. Monika51. Kim52. Maria
Male 1. Tolga2. Alexander3. Denis4. Robert5. Christoph6. Florian7. David8. Mario9. Albert10. Dominik11. Christoph 12. Norman13. Sergej14. Daniel15. Kai16. Benni17. Danny18. Sebastian19. Jakob20. Christian21. Andy22. Deniz23. Robert24. Raphael25. Marcus26. Dominic27. Matthias28. Deemar29. Albrecht30. Florian31. David32. Henryk33. Florian34. Rico35. Alexander36. Florian37. Andreas38. Alexander39. Naim40. Eric41. David42. Benjamin43. Daniel44. Diego 45. Elias46. Altin47. Jesse48. Christian49. Michael50. Nikola51. Sebastian52. Oliver
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