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"I find my scar very sexy!"

Safira from Bravo issue 9 year 2006

Safira has to put up with major limitations because of her kidneys. She is proud of having always believed in herself despite these difficulties and of having stayed strong!

Personal data

Safira has been in love for three months. She hopes it's the right one for her this time...

  • PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Weißenfeld near Leipzig
  • HEIGHT: 1.62 m
  • WEIGHT: 63 kg 
  • TRAINING: Legal assistant
  • HOBBIES: Meeting friends, dancing, horseback riding, her dogs "Beni" and "Tequila", sleeping late
  • ZODIAC: Aries
  • LIKES: Sunsets by the sea, people who make her laugh, spaghetti with tomato sauce
  • HATES: Spinach, unfaithful and lying boys, the cold in winter

For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Bodycheck That's Me 2006
Female 1. Mouna2. Andrea3. Kiara4. Rosi5. Christina6. Tine7. Michele8. Anita9. Safira10. Susi11. Svenja12. Friederike13. Maria14. Karolin15. Nancy16. Peggy17. Katja18. Monika19. Lena20. Jennifer21. Michaela22. Katja23. Jacqueline24. Josephine24. Virginie25. Laetitia26. Melanie27. Kim28. Nina29. Celina30. Jana31. Mandy32. Clarissa33. Melanie34. Peggy35. Lysann36. Yvonne37. Linda38. Jelena39. Vanessa40. Anne41. Anabell42. Daniela43. Jacqueline44. Jessica45. Lisa46. Katja47. Janine48. Daniela49. Sarah50. Tina51. Ashley52. Kathrin
Male 1. Daniel2. Christoph3. Sebastian 4. Dragan5. Ronny6. Timo7. Hans8. Maximilian9. Angelos10. Daniel11. Mark12. Bojan13. Peter14. Dennis15. Alexander16. Ernesto17. Marcus18. Tobias19. David20. Mathias21. Matthias22. Florian23. Julian24. Florian25. Robert26. Tim27. Thomas28. Dennis29. Antonio30. Kristijan31. André32. Thomas33. Eric34. Daniel35. Marcus36. Stephan37. Manuel38. Hoss39. Lucien40. Maximilian41. Chris42. Alan43. Daniel44. Mathias45. Daniel46. Christoph47. Florian48. Maximilian49. Vitali50. Steffen51. Michél52. Adrian
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