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"I don't enjoy sex without love!"

Steffen from Bravo issue 50 year 2006

Because Steffen used to feel much too thin, he has been training his muscles regularly for a number of years. But Steffen was most annoyed by pimples on his face during his puberty. He hopes to be rid of this problem forever

Personal data

Steffen one day I would like to have a house and two children. Preferably with his current girlfriend

  • HEIGHT: 1.85 m
  • WEIGHT: 74 kg 
  • TRAINING: To the merchant in wholesale and foreign trade
  • HOBBIES: Cinema, football, strength training
  • ZODIAC: Taurus
  • LIKES: Good food, Jackie Chan movies, Xavier Naidoo, people who make him laugh like his girlfriend, spontaneity, cats, dogs
  • HATES: Asparagus, raisins, techno, lack of humor, bitchy kids, spiders 


His genitalia appears in "Penis-Galerie" in BRAVO website

For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Bodycheck That's Me 2006
Female 1. Mouna2. Andrea3. Kiara4. Rosi5. Christina6. Tine7. Michele8. Anita9. Safira10. Susi11. Svenja12. Friederike13. Maria14. Karolin15. Nancy16. Peggy17. Katja18. Monika19. Lena20. Jennifer21. Michaela22. Katja23. Jacqueline24. Josephine24. Virginie25. Laetitia26. Melanie27. Kim28. Nina29. Celina30. Jana31. Mandy32. Clarissa33. Melanie34. Peggy35. Lysann36. Yvonne37. Linda38. Jelena39. Vanessa40. Anne41. Anabell42. Daniela43. Jacqueline44. Jessica45. Lisa46. Katja47. Janine48. Daniela49. Sarah50. Tina51. Ashley52. Kathrin
Male 1. Daniel2. Christoph3. Sebastian 4. Dragan5. Ronny6. Timo7. Hans8. Maximilian9. Angelos10. Daniel11. Mark12. Bojan13. Peter14. Dennis15. Alexander16. Ernesto17. Marcus18. Tobias19. David20. Mathias21. Matthias22. Florian23. Julian24. Florian25. Robert26. Tim27. Thomas28. Dennis29. Antonio30. Kristijan31. André32. Thomas33. Eric34. Daniel35. Marcus36. Stephan37. Manuel38. Hoss39. Lucien40. Maximilian41. Chris42. Alan43. Daniel44. Mathias45. Daniel46. Christoph47. Florian48. Maximilian49. Vitali50. Steffen51. Michél52. Adrian
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