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"Love between kissing and petting..."

Eric from Bravo issue 9 year 2003

Personal data

Eric will never forget his first girl. Because it seduced him at the first meeting after the chat....

  • HEIGHT: 1.78 m
  • WEIGHT: 63 kg 
  • JOB/SCHOOL: Looking for an apprenticeship (web designer)
  • FAVORITE SUBJECT: Mathematics
  • HOBBIES: Disco, music (hip hop)
  • ZODIAC: Leo
  • LIKES: The Love Parade, skating
  • HATES: Get up early, bitches

For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Bodycheck/That's Me 2003
Female 1. Sandra2. Vicky3. Sarah4. Anna5. Laura6. Janine7. Nadja8. Janina9. Janett10. Frederieke11. Babette12. Melanie13. Claudia14. Nicole15. Iris16. Julia17. Marina18. Eugenia19. Manuela20. Ulrike21. Jacqueline22. Nadine23. Nicole24. Lisa25. Theresa26. Agnes27. Pia28. Kathrin29. Lisa30. Jasmin31. Isabella32. Mariann33. Daniela34. Judith35. Laura36. Laura37. Bettina38. Tatjana39. Franziska40. Sarah41. Claudia42. Steffi43. Tamara44. Isabella45. Claudia46. Angela47. Nadia48. Sandra49. Jacqueline50. Susanne51. Jessica52. Julia
Male 1. Arne2. Christian3. Alexander4. Alex5. Stephan6. Max7. Daniel8. Dominik9. Eric10. Fabian11. Marcel12. Jan13. Nicolas14. Sascha15. Marc16. Marc17. Michael18. Hendrik19. Thomas20. René21. Janosch22. Niels23. Florian24. Oliver25. Michael26. Alexander27. Korby28. Andi29. Maxi30. Simon31. Georg32. Jeremy33. Sebastian34. Marc35. Mathias36. Marco37. Norbert38. Michael39. Mario40. Oliver41. Patrick42. Andreas43. Michael44. Peter45. Beni46. Dominik47. Peter48. Pasqual49. Stephan50. Nico51. David52. Alex
Some data or scanned image of the model in this site may be incorrect, missing, poor quality, or incomplete.
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