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"The first time only exploited!"

Iris from Bravo issue 15 year 2003

Personal data

Iris is incredibly curious about love - and has even tried sex with a girl before...

  • PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Leer/Ostfriesland
  • HEIGHT: 1.49 m
  • WEIGHT: 49 kg 
  • JOB/SCHOOL: Currently neither
  • FAVORITE SUBJECT: Never existed for her
  • HOBBIES: Painting, dancing
  • ZODIAC: Virgo
  • LIKES: When my friend Carol cooks Asian food
  • HATES: Hypocrites and Brussels sprouts


From the photobook "Heute Nackt" by Thomas Karsten

For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Bodycheck/That's Me 2003
Female 1. Sandra2. Vicky3. Sarah4. Anna5. Laura6. Janine7. Nadja8. Janina9. Janett10. Frederieke11. Babette12. Melanie13. Claudia14. Nicole15. Iris16. Julia17. Marina18. Eugenia19. Manuela20. Ulrike21. Jacqueline22. Nadine23. Nicole24. Lisa25. Theresa26. Agnes27. Pia28. Kathrin29. Lisa30. Jasmin31. Isabella32. Mariann33. Daniela34. Judith35. Laura36. Laura37. Bettina38. Tatjana39. Franziska40. Sarah41. Claudia42. Steffi43. Tamara44. Isabella45. Claudia46. Angela47. Nadia48. Sandra49. Jacqueline50. Susanne51. Jessica52. Julia
Male 1. Arne2. Christian3. Alexander4. Alex5. Stephan6. Max7. Daniel8. Dominik9. Eric10. Fabian11. Marcel12. Jan13. Nicolas14. Sascha15. Marc16. Marc17. Michael18. Hendrik19. Thomas20. René21. Janosch22. Niels23. Florian24. Oliver25. Michael26. Alexander27. Korby28. Andi29. Maxi30. Simon31. Georg32. Jeremy33. Sebastian34. Marc35. Mathias36. Marco37. Norbert38. Michael39. Mario40. Oliver41. Patrick42. Andreas43. Michael44. Peter45. Beni46. Dominik47. Peter48. Pasqual49. Stephan50. Nico51. David52. Alex
Some data or scanned image of the model in this site may be incorrect, missing, poor quality, or incomplete.
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