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"I always get mixed up with the wrong guys"

Carina from Bravo issue 27 year 2009

Carina is happy with her body. The only thing she doesn't find optimal is the transition between her buttocks and her thighs

Personal data

Carina has been happily with her boyfriend for eleven months. Carina is very happy that he is the right one for her

  • PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Ingolstadt
  • HEIGHT: 1.68 m
  • WEIGHT: 59 kg 
  • SCHOOL: Art college
  • HOBBIES: Dancing, playing the piano
  • ZODIAC: Gemini
  • LIKES: Eating when her boyfriend surprises her with breakfast in bed
  • HATES: Hello Kitty, selfish guys

For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Bodycheck 2009
Male 1. Volly2. Albin3. Michael4. Matthias5. Daniel6. Christopher8. Vladimir9. Joe10. Vasco11. Sven12. Stefan13. Lukas16. André19. René23. Daniel25. David27. Riccardo29. Maximilian31. Kevin32. Manuel35. Martin37. Manrico41. Nicklas42. Tom43. Felix45. Jonathan46. Michael47. Benny48. Panagiotis49. Martin51. Jean-Carlo52. Tobias
Female 1. Nicole2. Marlina3. Carina4. Sarah5. Jenna6. Tina8. Laura9. Vanessa10. Lisa11. Harriet12. Sonja13. Sophie16. Nadja19. Kristina23. Franziska25. Anika27. Carina29. Julia31. Laura32. Maja34. Rebecca34. Jutta35. Marie37. Carola41. Nicole42. Sabina43. Renata45. Verena46. Krystyna47. Jasmin48. Caroline49. Nele51. Charlotte52. Daiana
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