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"I've never had love troubles!"

Volly from Bravo issue 1 year 2009

Volly's body is fit! He plays football twice a week and goes swimming regularly

Personal data

Volly lives with his girlfriend in an apartment. He is happy and wishes it stays that way forever!

  • HEIGHT: 1.80 m
  • WEIGHT: 80 kg 
  • JOB: Retail salesman
  • HOBBIES: Playing football, swimming, boxing and cooking
  • ZODIAC: Taurus
  • LIKES: Harmony, Cristiano Ronaldo, motorcycling, gnocchi
  • HATES: Dishonest people, dispute, war and racism

For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Bodycheck 2009
Male 1. Volly2. Albin3. Michael4. Matthias5. Daniel6. Christopher8. Vladimir9. Joe10. Vasco11. Sven12. Stefan13. Lukas16. André19. René23. Daniel25. David27. Riccardo29. Maximilian31. Kevin32. Manuel35. Martin37. Manrico41. Nicklas42. Tom43. Felix45. Jonathan46. Michael47. Benny48. Panagiotis49. Martin51. Jean-Carlo52. Tobias
Female 1. Nicole2. Marlina3. Carina4. Sarah5. Jenna6. Tina8. Laura9. Vanessa10. Lisa11. Harriet12. Sonja13. Sophie16. Nadja19. Kristina23. Franziska25. Anika27. Carina29. Julia31. Laura32. Maja34. Rebecca34. Jutta35. Marie37. Carola41. Nicole42. Sabina43. Renata45. Verena46. Krystyna47. Jasmin48. Caroline49. Nele51. Charlotte52. Daiana
Some data or scanned image of the model in this site may be incorrect, missing, poor quality, or incomplete.
If you have information, please kindly contact us at bravobodycheckfan@gmail.com


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