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"Suddenly my grandmother was standing in the room!"

Riccardo from Bravo issue 27 year 2009

Riccardo likes his body the way it is. He also likes his long hair

Personal data

Riccardo fell in love with a girl for the first time when he was 13. She gave him her lunch because he didn't like his

  • HEIGHT: 1.79 m
  • WEIGHT: 67 kg 
  • STUDIES: Communication design
  • HOBBIES: Life drawing, kite flying
  • ZODIAC: Pisces
  • LIKES: Berlin, Jim Carrey, red hair
  • HATES: Cherry-flavored lipstick, girls who only eat salad on a date

For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Bodycheck 2009
Male 1. Volly2. Albin3. Michael4. Matthias5. Daniel6. Christopher8. Vladimir9. Joe10. Vasco11. Sven12. Stefan13. Lukas16. André19. René23. Daniel25. David27. Riccardo29. Maximilian31. Kevin32. Manuel35. Martin37. Manrico41. Nicklas42. Tom43. Felix45. Jonathan46. Michael47. Benny48. Panagiotis49. Martin51. Jean-Carlo52. Tobias
Female 1. Nicole2. Marlina3. Carina4. Sarah5. Jenna6. Tina8. Laura9. Vanessa10. Lisa11. Harriet12. Sonja13. Sophie16. Nadja19. Kristina23. Franziska25. Anika27. Carina29. Julia31. Laura32. Maja34. Rebecca34. Jutta35. Marie37. Carola41. Nicole42. Sabina43. Renata45. Verena46. Krystyna47. Jasmin48. Caroline49. Nele51. Charlotte52. Daiana
Some data or scanned image of the model in this site may be incorrect, missing, poor quality, or incomplete.
If you have information, please kindly contact us at bravobodycheckfan@gmail.com


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