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"I like new experiences"

Vasco from Bravo issue 10 year 2009

Vasco thinks his body is okay. It was a good experience for him to pose naked in front of the camera

Personal data

Vasco already had eleven girlfriends. But it wasn't until the twelfth that he made the leap from being in love to a relationship!

  • HEIGHT: 1.91 m
  • WEIGHT: 83 kg 
  • JOB: Internship as rescue assistant
  • HOBBIES: Ball games, jogging and playing the saxophone
  • ZODIAC: Capricorn
  • LIKES:  Indian food and listening to music to suit the mood
  • HATES: Ignorance, techno and capers

For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Bodycheck 2009
Male 1. Volly2. Albin3. Michael4. Matthias5. Daniel6. Christopher8. Vladimir9. Joe10. Vasco 11. Sven12. Stefan13. Lukas16. André19. René23. Daniel25. David27. Riccardo29. Maximilian31. Kevin32. Manuel35. Martin37. Manrico41. Nicklas42. Tom43. Felix45. Jonathan46. Michael47. Benny48. Panagiotis49. Martin51. Jean-Carlo52. Tobias
Female 1. Nicole2. Marlina3. Carina4. Sarah5. Jenna6. Tina8. Laura9. Vanessa10. Lisa11. Harriet12. Sonja13. Sophie16. Nadja19. Kristina23. Franziska25. Anika27. Carina29. Julia31. Laura32. Maja34. Rebecca34. Jutta35. Marie37. Carola41. Nicole42. Sabina43. Renata45. Verena46. Krystyna47. Jasmin48. Caroline49. Nele51. Charlotte52. Daiana
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