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"It only worked after two years!"

Lisa from Bravo issue 10 year 2009

Lisa is not interested in sports. But she walks her dogs for two to three hours a day

Personal data

Lisa lived in the same house as her boyfriend for two years. When things sparked between them, they quickly moved in together

  • HEIGHT: 1.65 m
  • WEIGHT: 54 kg 
  • JOB: X-ray assistant
  • HOBBIES: Dogs, dancing
  • ZODIAC: Capricorn
  • LIKES: Meeting friends, eating (anything and everything!), dancing, humor
  • HATES: Intrigues, cats, backbiters and dishonesty

For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Bodycheck 2009
Male 1. Volly2. Albin3. Michael4. Matthias5. Daniel6. Christopher8. Vladimir9. Joe10. Vasco11. Sven12. Stefan13. Lukas16. André19. René23. Daniel25. David27. Riccardo29. Maximilian31. Kevin32. Manuel35. Martin37. Manrico41. Nicklas42. Tom43. Felix45. Jonathan46. Michael47. Benny48. Panagiotis49. Martin51. Jean-Carlo52. Tobias
Female 1. Nicole2. Marlina3. Carina4. Sarah5. Jenna6. Tina8. Laura9. Vanessa10. Lisa11. Harriet12. Sonja13. Sophie16. Nadja19. Kristina23. Franziska25. Anika27. Carina29. Julia31. Laura32. Maja34. Rebecca34. Jutta35. Marie37. Carola41. Nicole42. Sabina43. Renata45. Verena46. Krystyna47. Jasmin48. Caroline49. Nele51. Charlotte52. Daiana
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