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"I prefer to have affairs!"

Marcel from Bravo issue 45 year 2008

Marcel's muscles are well trained. No wonder: he works hard physically, rides horses and jogs every day!

Personal data

Marcel loves his job more than anything. Above all, he likes to ride through the great outdoors early in the morning and enjoy the silence!

  • HEIGHT: 1.76 m
  • WEIGHT: 58 kg 
  • JOB: Horse trainer and riding instructor
  • HOBBIES: Horse riding, jogging, listening to music and dancing
  • ZODIAC: Capricorn
  • LIKES: Partying, good food, travelling, being spontaneous and horseback riding in nature
  • HATES: Dishonest people and cabbage

For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Bodycheck/That's Me 2008
Male 1. Johann2. Alejandro3. Dominik4. Tom5. Simon6. Enrico7. Philipp9. Christian11. Johannes12. Stefan14. Julian16. Patrick17. Stefan19. Florian20. Daniel21. Moritz22. Michele23. Mirco24. Fabian26. Lukas27. Daniel28. John29. Michael30. Sebastian31. Maximilian32. Tuan Ly34. Johannes35. David37. Alex42. Flo43. Markus44. Ayoub45. Marcel46. Martin47. Marcus48. Michael49. Thomas50. Ronny52. Rico
Female 1. Anastasia2. Alex3. Vanessa4. Saskia5. Katharina6. Julia7. Nadine9. Stefanie11. Danielle12. Niki14. Melanie16. Elena17. Navina19. Anita20. Fanni21. Sandra22. Jasmin23. Nicole24. Maya26. Nadine27. Katharina28. Manuela29. Sofie30. Julia31. Luca32. Kristin34. Meryem35. Jule37. Susan39. Lisa39. Elisa42. Nena43. Elvi44. Manon45. Saskia46. Nadine47. Laura48. Sophie49. Janin50. Vera52. Denise
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