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"I haven't found the right one yet!"

Simon from Bravo issue 5 year 2008

Simon attaches great importance to his looks and his style. He would love to be a singer and enchant his fans with his music. He plans to record many songs in the recording studio and hopes that he will be successful

Personal data

Simon longs for one pretty, faithful girlfriend he can carry on his hands

  • HEIGHT: 1.80 m
  • WEIGHT: 66 kg 
  • JOB: Sales consultant in a fashion shop
  • HOBBIES: Partying doing, chilling, go-go dancing, recording songs
  • ZODIAC: Gemini
  • LIKES: Black Music and House, greek food, Rihanna, Hollandaise schnitzel with asparagus
  • HATES: Boredom, capers and cumin, bad tempered people

For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Bodycheck/That's Me 2008
Male 1. Johann2. Alejandro3. Dominik4. Tom5. Simon6. Enrico7. Philipp9. Christian11. Johannes12. Stefan14. Julian16. Patrick17. Stefan19. Florian20. Daniel21. Moritz22. Michele23. Mirco24. Fabian26. Lukas27. Daniel28. John29. Michael30. Sebastian31. Maximilian32. Tuan Ly34. Johannes35. David37. Alex42. Flo43. Markus44. Ayoub45. Marcel46. Martin47. Marcus48. Michael49. Thomas50. Ronny52. Rico
Female 1. Anastasia2. Alex3. Vanessa4. Saskia5. Katharina6. Julia7. Nadine9. Stefanie11. Danielle12. Niki14. Melanie16. Elena17. Navina19. Anita20. Fanni21. Sandra22. Jasmin23. Nicole24. Maya26. Nadine27. Katharina28. Manuela29. Sofie30. Julia31. Luca32. Kristin34. Meryem35. Jule37. Susan39. Lisa39. Elisa42. Nena43. Elvi44. Manon45. Saskia46. Nadine47. Laura48. Sophie49. Janin50. Vera52. Denise
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