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"I lost my great love"

Ronny from Bravo issue 50 year 2008

Ronny thinks his body is almost perfect. Only his stomach and arms should be a bit more muscular

Personal data

Ronny has been single since his girlfriend broke up with him. He wishes very much that she would find his way back to him...

  • HEIGHT: 1.83 m
  • WEIGHT: 80 kg 
  • JOB: Advertising professional
  • HOBBIES: Boxing, off-road biking, travelling, going to the cinema
  • ZODIAC: Cancer
  • LIKES: Pizza with lots of cheese, uncomplicated romantic girls, electronic music
  • HATES: Asparagus, mushrooms, stubbornness, conceited, bitchy girls

For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Bodycheck/That's Me 2008
Male 1. Johann2. Alejandro3. Dominik4. Tom5. Simon6. Enrico7. Philipp9. Christian11. Johannes12. Stefan14. Julian16. Patrick17. Stefan19. Florian20. Daniel21. Moritz22. Michele23. Mirco24. Fabian26. Lukas27. Daniel28. John29. Michael30. Sebastian31. Maximilian32. Tuan Ly34. Johannes35. David37. Alex42. Flo43. Markus44. Ayoub45. Marcel46. Martin47. Marcus48. Michael49. Thomas50. Ronny52. Rico
Female 1. Anastasia2. Alex3. Vanessa4. Saskia5. Katharina6. Julia7. Nadine9. Stefanie11. Danielle12. Niki14. Melanie16. Elena17. Navina19. Anita20. Fanni21. Sandra22. Jasmin23. Nicole24. Maya26. Nadine27. Katharina28. Manuela29. Sofie30. Julia31. Luca32. Kristin34. Meryem35. Jule37. Susan39. Lisa39. Elisa42. Nena43. Elvi44. Manon45. Saskia46. Nadine47. Laura48. Sophie49. Janin50. Vera52. Denise
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