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"I lied the first time!"

Johannes from Bravo issue 11 year 2008

Johannes works out in the fitness studio because his "stomach" bothers him. During puberty he was extremely thin. That's why his mother often referred to him as "a line in the landscape", which he didn't find funny at all!

Personal data

Johannes has plans for his girlfriend met about half a year ago in the disco where he waits tables

  • HEIGHT: 1.83 m
  • WEIGHT: 75 kg 
  • JOB: Training as a car mechatronics engineer
  • HOBBIES: Meeting friends, go-karting, fitness training
  • ZODIAC: Gemini
  • LIKES: His girlfriend, horror movies such as Saw and Hostel, Fast Food and Will Smith
  • HATES: Brussels sprouts, half-knowing people, beetroot, pop songs

For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Bodycheck/That's Me 2008
Male 1. Johann2. Alejandro3. Dominik4. Tom5. Simon6. Enrico7. Philipp9. Christian11. Johannes12. Stefan14. Julian16. Patrick17. Stefan19. Florian20. Daniel21. Moritz22. Michele23. Mirco24. Fabian26. Lukas27. Daniel28. John29. Michael30. Sebastian31. Maximilian32. Tuan Ly34. Johannes35. David37. Alex42. Flo43. Markus44. Ayoub45. Marcel46. Martin47. Marcus48. Michael49. Thomas50. Ronny52. Rico
Female 1. Anastasia2. Alex3. Vanessa4. Saskia5. Katharina6. Julia7. Nadine9. Stefanie11. Danielle12. Niki14. Melanie16. Elena17. Navina19. Anita20. Fanni21. Sandra22. Jasmin23. Nicole24. Maya26. Nadine27. Katharina28. Manuela29. Sofie30. Julia31. Luca32. Kristin34. Meryem35. Jule37. Susan39. Lisa39. Elisa42. Nena43. Elvi44. Manon45. Saskia46. Nadine47. Laura48. Sophie49. Janin50. Vera52. Denise
Some data or scanned image of the model in this site may be incorrect, missing, poor quality, or incomplete.
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