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"Because I was starving, I didn't get my period!"

Julia from Bravo issue 30 year 2008

Julia's great passion is sport. Through a lot of exercise, she also got a better body feeling

Personal data

Julia experienced love at the age of 15. Even today, she often thinks about the boy she first had sex with

  • HEIGHT: 1.61 m
  • WEIGHT: 47 kg 
  • JOB: Office clerk
  • HOBBIES: Singing, sports, dancing
  • ZODIAC: Aries
  • LIKES: Chili con carne, hip hop, honesty, beautiful hands and her dog "Fitschti"
  • HATES: Bad weather, show-off, Oliver Pocher and Krabbelviecher

For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Bodycheck/That's Me 2008
Male 1. Johann2. Alejandro3. Dominik4. Tom5. Simon6. Enrico7. Philipp9. Christian11. Johannes12. Stefan14. Julian16. Patrick17. Stefan19. Florian20. Daniel21. Moritz22. Michele23. Mirco24. Fabian26. Lukas27. Daniel28. John29. Michael30. Sebastian31. Maximilian32. Tuan Ly34. Johannes35. David37. Alex42. Flo43. Markus44. Ayoub45. Marcel46. Martin47. Marcus48. Michael49. Thomas50. Ronny52. Rico
Female 1. Anastasia2. Alex3. Vanessa4. Saskia5. Katharina6. Julia7. Nadine9. Stefanie11. Danielle12. Niki14. Melanie16. Elena17. Navina19. Anita20. Fanni21. Sandra22. Jasmin23. Nicole24. Maya26. Nadine27. Katharina28. Manuela29. Sofie30. Julia31. Luca32. Kristin34. Meryem35. Jule37. Susan39. Lisa39. Elisa42. Nena43. Elvi44. Manon45. Saskia46. Nadine47. Laura48. Sophie49. Janin50. Vera52. Denise
Some data or scanned image of the model in this site may be incorrect, missing, poor quality, or incomplete.
If you have information, please kindly contact us at bravobodycheckfan@gmail.com


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