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"I'll show what I want..."

Aniko from Bravo issue 25 year 2002

A radiant smile and a confident posture: Aniko loves lust and life - and is proud to be in BRAVO...

Sexy underwear - since she became a self-confident girl, she also dares to put on something hot. Her  mascot Hugo and the lucky pig are always there...

Personal data

Her first time was a flop - and that's why today she speaks openly with guys about sex. Even if it's often difficult for them...

  • HEIGHT: 1.73 m
  • WEIGHT: 52 kg 
  • JOB: Looking for a job
  • HOBBIES: Disco, dancing
  • ZODIAC: Libra
  • LIKES: Well-groomed boys, my hamster, "Kurt"
  • HATES: Bad weather, getting up early, stupid pick-ups


From the photobook "Heute Nackt" by Thomas Karsten (Left)

For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Bodycheck/That's Me 2002
Female 1. Andrea2. Maxi3. Lore4. Nicole5. Neila6. Jennifer7. Yvonne8. Maya9. Dajana10. Astrid11. Romy12. Nadine13. Laura14. Tanja15. Conny16. Marlene17. Katja18. Nicole19. Nicole20. Stefanie21. Anja22. Tina23. Ramona24. Melanie25. Aniko26. Christine27. Daniela28. Nicole29. Sarah30. Mandy31. Virginia32. Jana33. Nicole34. Marie-Jeanette35. Franziska36. Zoe37. Marie38. Andine39. Anne40. Julia41. Mandy42. Ines43. Varina44. Anne45. Stefanie46. Tanja47. Sabrina48. Jeanette49. Jana50. Christin51. Elisa52. Antje
Male 1. Philipp2. Sebastian3. Matthias4. Jens5. Marco6. Alex7. Alex8. Jeffrey9. Enes10. Björn11. Björn12. Marcel13. Marcel14. Alex15. Marco16. René17. Marvin18. Matthias19. Thomas20. Daniel21. Michael22. Dominic23. Marcus 24. Christian25. Thomas26. Lars27. André28. Marcus29. Christian30. Martin31. Dennis32. Pascal33. Stefan34. Kai35. Paul36. Roland37. Thomas38. Paul39. Roman40. Mike41. Max42. Ronny43. Stephan44. Felix45. Christian46. Peter47. Thore48. Benjamin49. Michael50. Lukas51. Thorsten52. Chris
Some data or scanned image of the model in this site may be incorrect, missing, poor quality, or incomplete.
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