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"I want to do it more often than he does!"

Laura from Bravo issue 13 year 2002

Cheeky, funny and totally self-confident: Laura doesn't mince her words and is always curious about  everything...

It doesn't matter whether it's stylish sunglasses, a cheeky couple's T-shirt, a lip ring, flared pants or a garland - the main thing is that it stands out! The US high school cap was available after one year of high school in the USA!

Personal data

Because he does a lot of sports, Laura's "Tiger" is sometimes quite groggy - bad luck for her.  Nevertheless, she gets her money's worth...

  • HEIGHT: 1.77 m
  • WEIGHT: 63 kg 
  • JOB/SCHOOL: Preparatory high school
  • HOBBIES: Drawing comic, jogging
  • ZODIAC: Scorpio
  • LIKES: Singing in the shower, chilli con came
  • HATES: Ignorant people, talk shows


From the photobook "Heute Nackt" by Thomas Karsten (with Marco from issue 15/2002)

For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Bodycheck/That's Me 2002
Female 1. Andrea2. Maxi3. Lore4. Nicole5. Neila6. Jennifer7. Yvonne8. Maya9. Dajana10. Astrid11. Romy12. Nadine13. Laura14. Tanja15. Conny16. Marlene17. Katja18. Nicole19. Nicole20. Stefanie21. Anja22. Tina23. Ramona24. Melanie25. Aniko26. Christine27. Daniela28. Nicole29. Sarah30. Mandy31. Virginia32. Jana33. Nicole34. Marie-Jeanette35. Franziska36. Zoe37. Marie38. Andine39. Anne40. Julia41. Mandy42. Ines43. Varina44. Anne45. Stefanie46. Tanja47. Sabrina48. Jeanette49. Jana50. Christin51. Elisa52. Antje
Male 1. Philipp2. Sebastian3. Matthias4. Jens5. Marco6. Alex7. Alex8. Jeffrey9. Enes10. Björn11. Björn12. Marcel13. Marcel14. Alex15. Marco16. René17. Marvin18. Matthias19. Thomas20. Daniel21. Michael22. Dominic23. Marcus 24. Christian25. Thomas26. Lars27. André28. Marcus29. Christian30. Martin31. Dennis32. Pascal33. Stefan34. Kai35. Paul36. Roland37. Thomas38. Paul39. Roman40. Mike41. Max42. Ronny43. Stephan44. Felix45. Christian46. Peter47. Thore48. Benjamin49. Michael50. Lukas51. Thorsten52. Chris
Some data or scanned image of the model in this site may be incorrect, missing, poor quality, or incomplete.
If you have information, please kindly contact us at


  1. Wow, what a beauty, her breasts and nipples are amazing ❤️


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