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"He is infinitely affectionate!"

Maya from Bravo issue 8 year 2002

Maya: Cheeky look, self-confident posture and pure fun in love - Maya enjoys her life to the fullest...

Styling for her boyfriend, the pill, a sexy pair of panties. Body awareness, a moose purse and colorful ear studs - Maya's lifestyle...

Personal data

Before she met love, sex was unimportant to her. The suddenly changed for her - and plays a big role...

  • HEIGHT: 1.75 m
  • WEIGHT: 62 kg 
  • JOB/SCHOOL: Pupil
  • FAVORITE SUBJECT: None at all...
  • HOBBIES: Gym, gang
  • ZODIAC: Aries
  • LIKES: Rabbits, my best friend Steffi - and on the phone...
  • HATES: Bitches, shrimp - and imaginary types


From the photobook "Heute Nackt" by Thomas Karsten

For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Bodycheck/That's Me 2002
Female 1. Andrea2. Maxi3. Lore4. Nicole5. Neila6. Jennifer7. Yvonne8. Maya9. Dajana10. Astrid11. Romy12. Nadine13. Laura14. Tanja15. Conny16. Marlene17. Katja18. Nicole19. Nicole20. Stefanie21. Anja22. Tina23. Ramona24. Melanie25. Aniko26. Christine27. Daniela28. Nicole29. Sarah30. Mandy31. Virginia32. Jana33. Nicole34. Marie-Jeanette35. Franziska36. Zoe37. Marie38. Andine39. Anne40. Julia41. Mandy42. Ines43. Varina44. Anne45. Stefanie46. Tanja47. Sabrina48. Jeanette49. Jana50. Christin51. Elisa52. Antje
Male 1. Philipp2. Sebastian3. Matthias4. Jens5. Marco6. Alex7. Alex8. Jeffrey9. Enes10. Björn11. Björn12. Marcel13. Marcel14. Alex15. Marco16. René17. Marvin18. Matthias19. Thomas20. Daniel21. Michael22. Dominic23. Marcus 24. Christian25. Thomas26. Lars27. André28. Marcus29. Christian30. Martin31. Dennis32. Pascal33. Stefan34. Kai35. Paul36. Roland37. Thomas38. Paul39. Roman40. Mike41. Max42. Ronny43. Stephan44. Felix45. Christian46. Peter47. Thore48. Benjamin49. Michael50. Lukas51. Thorsten52. Chris
Some data or scanned image of the model in this site may be incorrect, missing, poor quality, or incomplete.
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