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"Afraid of being rejected..."

Mandy from Bravo issue 30 year 2002

Mandy finds nudity totally natural and is "a bit proud" of her body - without conceiting anything about it...

She thinks piercings are "totally awesome" and jewelery is important! Her experience: "Boys think it's cool - even if they don't admit it..

Personal data

Because she was bitterly disappointed in love, Mandy now trusts not really crossed paths with a boy anymore...

  • PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Weißkeißel/Saxony
  • HEIGHT: 1.65 m
  • WEIGHT: 51 kg 
  • JOB/SCHOOL: Grade 10 High school
  • FAVORITE SUBJECT: Art, music
  • HOBBIES: Music (Britney Spears)
  • ZODIAC: Libra
  • LIKES: My best girl friend Tine, my cats "Kasi" and "Felix"
  • HATES: Getting annoyed...



From the photobook "Heute Nackt" by Thomas Karsten

For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Bodycheck/That's Me 2002
Female 1. Andrea2. Maxi3. Lore4. Nicole5. Neila6. Jennifer7. Yvonne8. Maya9. Dajana10. Astrid11. Romy12. Nadine13. Laura14. Tanja15. Conny16. Marlene17. Katja18. Nicole19. Nicole20. Stefanie21. Anja22. Tina23. Ramona24. Melanie25. Aniko26. Christine27. Daniela28. Nicole29. Sarah30. Mandy31. Virginia32. Jana33. Nicole34. Marie-Jeanette35. Franziska36. Zoe37. Marie38. Andine39. Anne40. Julia41. Mandy42. Ines43. Varina44. Anne45. Stefanie46. Tanja47. Sabrina48. Jeanette49. Jana50. Christin51. Elisa52. Antje
Male 1. Philipp2. Sebastian3. Matthias4. Jens5. Marco6. Alex7. Alex8. Jeffrey9. Enes10. Björn11. Björn12. Marcel13. Marcel14. Alex15. Marco16. René17. Marvin18. Matthias19. Thomas20. Daniel21. Michael22. Dominic23. Marcus 24. Christian25. Thomas26. Lars27. André28. Marcus29. Christian30. Martin31. Dennis32. Pascal33. Stefan34. Kai35. Paul36. Roland37. Thomas38. Paul39. Roman40. Mike41. Max42. Ronny43. Stephan44. Felix45. Christian46. Peter47. Thore48. Benjamin49. Michael50. Lukas51. Thorsten52. Chris
Some data or scanned image of the model in this site may be incorrect, missing, poor quality, or incomplete.
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