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"Sex? Does not have to be"

Sarah from Bravo issue 29 year 2002

Cheeky short haircut, relaxed and easygoing as always: Sarah loves the uncomplicated, shows her self-confidence and her zest for life...

The main thing is colorful and playful! Cat lover Sarah doesn't need stylish accessories to be happy.

Personal data

For Sarah, a sense of togetherness, honesty and trust play a very important role when it comes to love...

  • HEIGHT: 1.70 m
  • WEIGHT: 58 kg 
  • JOB: Trainee carpenter
  • FAVORITE SUBJECT: German, history
  • HOBBIES: Reading, hiking
  • ZODIAC: Capricorn
  • LIKES: Nature, go out for a leisurely meal (Asian-spicy)
  • HATES: Superimposed attitude, Diddl mice...


From the photobook "Heute Nackt" by Thomas Karsten

For some reasons, some models use false identities, which do not represent their real names and true ages.

Bodycheck/That's Me 2002
Female 1. Andrea2. Maxi3. Lore4. Nicole5. Neila6. Jennifer7. Yvonne8. Maya9. Dajana10. Astrid11. Romy12. Nadine13. Laura14. Tanja15. Conny16. Marlene17. Katja18. Nicole19. Nicole20. Stefanie21. Anja22. Tina23. Ramona24. Melanie25. Aniko26. Christine27. Daniela28. Nicole29. Sarah30. Mandy31. Virginia32. Jana33. Nicole34. Marie-Jeanette35. Franziska36. Zoe37. Marie38. Andine39. Anne40. Julia41. Mandy42. Ines43. Varina44. Anne45. Stefanie46. Tanja47. Sabrina48. Jeanette49. Jana50. Christin51. Elisa52. Antje
Male 1. Philipp2. Sebastian3. Matthias4. Jens5. Marco6. Alex7. Alex8. Jeffrey9. Enes10. Björn11. Björn12. Marcel13. Marcel14. Alex15. Marco16. René17. Marvin18. Matthias19. Thomas20. Daniel21. Michael22. Dominic23. Marcus 24. Christian25. Thomas26. Lars27. André28. Marcus29. Christian30. Martin31. Dennis32. Pascal33. Stefan34. Kai35. Paul36. Roland37. Thomas38. Paul39. Roman40. Mike41. Max42. Ronny43. Stephan44. Felix45. Christian46. Peter47. Thore48. Benjamin49. Michael50. Lukas51. Thorsten52. Chris
Some data or scanned image of the model in this site may be incorrect, missing, poor quality, or incomplete.
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